SATTA supports IFATSEA's call for worldwide licensing for Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel and introduction of a harmonised system of Certification for Air Traffic Management Systems across the world.
As a prerequisite for requesting a license under ICAO's Annex1, the development of an ATSEP Training manuel was needed, which was the case in 2004. In the same year, through ITF, IFATSEA invited the 35th Assembly to extend Personnel licencing and certifiation to ATSEPs A35-WP/198.
AT the 36th Assembly in 2008, ITF and IFATSEA presented a joing working paper on teh Personnel Regulation as a tool to support Safety and Security in Air Traffic Service A36-WP/210. More details can be found in the REPORT OF THE TECHNICAL COMMISSION ON AGEDNA ITEM 30 A36-WP/359.
At the 37th Assembly in 2010, IFATSEA put it back on the Agend, item 45; Next Generation of Aviation Professionals COMPETENCIES AND LICENSES OF AIR TRAFFIC SAFETY ELECTRONIC PERSONNEL (ATSEP) A37-WP/160.
In 2013, during the 38th Session, it is an ICAO member State, Indonesia, proposing to cover also ATSEP by the SARPS of Annex 1 A38-WP/151.
Agenda of the 38th AssemblyA38-WP/001.
In 2016 IFATSEA, at ICAO's 39th Assembly, the parent organisation of ATSEP associations, has issued a working paper to include ATSE in the ICAO Annex I "Personal Licensing".